Arguments and Discussion on Outside Vendors
Bennett was once well-paid application developer residing in Contra Costa County California, prior to that he had a computer store in Walnut Creek from 1992 to 1995, prior to that he worked various jobs during recovery from back-to-back accidents connected to his former successful commercial cabinet and millwork operation.
Today things much different since working for PG&E and AT&T (2001) he has been beaten, run off the road, set on fire, his friend and daughter murdered, relatives of a family of five died from methadone, his roommate, son of an attorney, in-law of another attorney, attorney beaten in Walnut Creek, City Attorney committed suicide and most recently (July 2020) the only attorney willing to sue Social Services Marc Angelucci was likely going to take his case.
Mr, Angelucci was murder then allegedly the shooter killed the son of a Federal Judge.