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Founder of Nomoreh1b
Pete Bennett founded Nomoreh1b.com in 2002 after the successful CNNNext appearance in 2002 covering the backlash Bennett endured with consulting engagements. By 2004 his small corporation folded but switched back to cabinet making, bought a shop from Mark Scott Construction. By summer 2004 his truck was exploding on the freeway.
Beaten in the Walnut Creek Public Library
Bennett on the ground at the Library Guard attacked outside the library. Bennett had just received a call from Symantec Software his former employer for another contract project at $75 per hour. the injuries sustained preveted Bennett from working, his laptop was broken and his ribs severely bruised. At 62 years of age bruised ribs will hurt for months as in six months. By summer he was in jail arrested for allegedly for yelling in the same Civic Park.
Defrauding America and "The Fake Interview"
Posted by ProgrammersGuild.org over ten years ago.