This code enforcement officer has continually harassed Pete Bennett
What really happened to Kip Dozier?
Enforcing the Code to harrass, intimidate, stalk, threaten, harm, beat and kill. Oh yeah maybe lynch a few when its Rainey
Fines, Tickets and Property Siezures

September 16, 2020, Pete Bennett homeless resident Pete Bennett lost the last of his property stored in front of Walnut Creek Walnut Creek City Hall. With this agency Bennett has lost cars, instruments, gear, laptops, computers, offices and businesses.
Fines, Tickets and Property Siezures
September 16, 2020, Pete Bennett homeless resident Pete Bennett lost the last of his property stored in front of Walnut Creek Walnut Creek City Hall. With this agency Bennett has lost cars, instruments, gear, laptops, computers, offices and businesses.
Fines, Tickets and Property Siezures

September 16, 2020, Pete Bennett homeless resident Pete Bennett lost the last of his property stored in front of Walnut Creek Walnut Creek City Hall. With this agency Bennett has lost cars, instruments, gear, laptops, computers, offices and businesses.