Was Safeway Pharmacist Jamey Sheets Suicided
Pete Bennett knew Jamey Sheets through his connection to Doc's Pharmacy. Mr. Sheets facing potential felony charges via threats from the same DA investigators linked the Sheriffs Coroner linked to the murder in Bennett vs. Southern Pacific.
Who is Pete Bennett
Pete Bennett has been resident of Contra Costa County since 1978 arriving from San Franciso Ca but was a resident of Cape Coral Florida, Prior to that was a resident of Mountain Lakes NY, prior to that was a resident of Baldwin NY and New York City NY
Connections to Pete Bennett
Jamey Sheets was the pharmacist facing indictment for murder of his patients who died from Spinal Meningitis. Pete Bennett was friends with the owner of Doc's Pharmacy since 1978 when the owner hired him to build a trellis. When Pete had is sons at John Muir Hospital in 1996 and 1998, he brought them to Doc's Pharmacy to meet the owner and Jamey Sheets.
Connections of Pete Bennett to George Stahl
George Stahl - UPS driver in the San Francisco East Bay in Concord died of spinal meningitis in connection to the bacterial deaths at Doc's Pharmacy in Walnut Creek
Meningitis Scan

Fire the Pharmacist at Safeway
The Safeway Store located at 600 S. Broadway Walnut Creek has more than one nefarious scenario linked to deaths of residents.
Was Safeway Pharmacist Jamey Sheets Suicided
Pete Bennett knew Jamey Sheets through his connection to Doc's Pharmacy. Mr. Sheets facing potential felony charges via thrests from the same DA investigators linked the the Sheriffs Coroner linked to the murder in Bennett vs. Southern Pacific.
Fire the Pharmacist at Safeway
The Safeway Store located at 600 S. Broadway Walnut Creek has more than one nefarious scenario linked to deaths of residents.