
A Collection of Witnesses Killed

Showing posts with label Pete Bennett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete Bennett. Show all posts

Pete Bennett grounded after another beating connected to Trinity Center Walnut Creek

Almost a #deadwitness 

Pete Bennett

N. California and Olympic

card image collar
FPOC:Thursday, May 01, 2014 Notes:



The Walnut Creek Public Library - They nearly took Pete Bennett's life after he tried to get a job at Oracle World

The Walnut Creek Public Library

Pete Bennett former programmer for Contra Costa County beaten by the county.

It's bad enough five relatives of Pete Bennett were murdered, just as bad was the murder of Officer Kenyon Youngstrom, then the suicide of City Attorney Mark Coon, man it's getting ugly around here.

Attacking the Patron at the Walnut Creek Public Library

Walnut Creek resident Pete Bennett, attacked by guard from Cypress Security (now known as Allied Security), more of the same Contra Costa County witness intimidation.

He's on the ground, his phone is broken and his laptop stored in his backpack was damaged.

Attacking the Patron at the Walnut Creek Public Library

Walnut Creek resident Pete Bennett, attacked by gaurd from Cypress Security, more of the same Contra Costa County witness intimidation.

He's heading to Kaiser, he's in pain and pretty sure then his ribs were broken.


Target Scooters are fun to ride as Pete Bennett today has trouble walking

The December 2019 was as close to fatal as it gets. 
By May he was having troubling walking
He dropped to the floor at Kaiser 
They called the next day with the news Bennett suffered a stroke 

Bennett don't
ask for help if you we're gonna arrest you. 

These and other officers have raged a constant campaign on Bennett driving him out of business from six separate business locations starting right after . 

The Lester Garnier Murder Investigation and reward is a lie. 
Bennett came forward for the $250,000 reward
 Bennett now homeless, labeled a vagrant by police everywhere he goes.  
Beaten many times
It must be a union thing

This man has endured 100 concussions or more, broken fingers, mangled left hand, head on collision, rear end whiplash, attacks with broken noses, fractured eye socket and and attacked by the guard in the Walnut Creek Library and another attack where he was placed in a karate pulled by somebody that was likely a police officer.

 then it was about to file Amicus brief with PG&E on the bankruptcy and the proceedings the study ended up in the hospital.

 when he tried to collect his money from PG&E he was threatened with arrest at 55 Beale Street.

In July 2020 an attorney that was likely going to represent him was murdered in Southern California.

I guess I'm better off riding on red then dead

Beating Bennett to prevent his testimony in several Federal and State cases

One day at the Library

When the Gaurd attacks the County fails to react.

Acctually, One Day At Your Library, they beat Pete Bennett, yes that hurt.   Then Bad Cops arrive with guns and a corrupt judge they blown up your truck visible to the Danville Police Department   and then after that   they go to Springville Utah where they kill children.

The Strack Family Murders

Then when you can't escape relality you go after his relatives

He Paid 15 Million to the DA

He's friends with a former President #pgewitness

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