
A Collection of Witnesses Killed

Showing posts with label Pete Bennett. #pgewitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete Bennett. #pgewitness. Show all posts

Pete Bennett~ Former Family member connected to 417 Park Ave 12c New York, NY



Pete Bennett (2007) PBS NewsHour

around the time he appeared on PBS with Robert Hoffman Spokesman for Oracle Software

Pete Bennett (2009) around the time he appeared on PBS with Robert Hoffman Spokesman for Oracle Software.  Mr. Hoffman moved to Accenture several years later.  

Bennett today life is very different, suits are gone, no car, no license, constantly arrested and harassed by certain officers from different Contra Costa Law Enforcement but the brunt is the the City of Walnut Creek, 


On the right of the son of James S. Greenan, brother-in-law of Dax Craven who represented Bennett in Tarrant vs. Bennett.  During the Oracle vs. PeopleSoft hostile takeover Bennett was hired via Vector Capital to assist with the PowerPoint slide deck where he managed the excel and powerslides for the final review for management  

Vector Capital 

Dave Fishman hired Bennett while Bennett was unaware of the Mormon connections between former Oracle President Gary Kennedy and Mormons near Pete Bennett.  Dave is a nice guy and Bennett began reaching out just after Covid-19 shutdown.  He has had enough time to consider my position.  

Gary Kennedy 

One thing about Mormons is they act exactly like Glue Sticks - they never let go of the money or your connections.  

Mitt Romney - Clearly connected to Attorney Rick Kopf of Alamo 1st

Bain Capital is somewhat perplexing but Romney took millions from the parties in Bennett's opinion is strongly connected to a witness murder in the matter of Bennett vs. Southern Pacific during 1989 where witness Floyd Brown Jr. death is highly suspicious as well as invisible. 

David Leslie Milne is the Grandfather of Pete Bennett.  Mr. Milne represented the Kennedy's, Rockefeller's, and Marvin Pierce father of Barbara Bush. 

Mr Milne resided at 417 Park Ave 12c New York NY recently sold by CBRE to GDS Development and CBRE had something to do with the arrest of Bennett but worse one CBRE SVP knows who rigged Bennett's truck to explode during 2004.  

Bennett wants answers and he appears to be getting under the skin of the suspects who nearly killed Bennett on more than one occasion.  

The unacceptable part is the murder of that wonderful five year old girl.  Kinder Morgan paid Contra Costa DA a 15 Million dollar fine which basically is part of the assets of ENRON or Southern Pacific.  All SP had to do was lower the usages fees just like Enron gamed those same fees.  



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