Epic Games CEO says Apple suit is about 'basic freedoms,' calls Apple a middleman
Google Adsense creator of endless profits until they find out your revenue is about Visas namely the H-1b. When you're not looking perhaps they'll kill your family, friends, police officers, bankers, programmers and/or customers.
Pete Bennett former senior developer lost millions in a one sided battle with Big Tech and the Visa Machine. Backed up by Big Law.
A day after filing private antitrust lawsuits against Apple and Google, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney said the decision to fight two of tech's biggest powers is more about freedom than money.
Sweeney made the case for Epic's legal maneuvering, specifically as it applies to Apple, in a series of tweets on Friday. The executive characterized the fight as one for consumer and developer choice, not simply a play at more lucrative financial deals.
"At the most basic level, we're fighting for the freedom of people who bought smartphones to install apps from sources of their choosing, the freedom for creators of apps to distribute them as they choose, and the freedom of both groups to do business directly," Sweeney said in a tweet.
Epic on Thursday updated Fortnite for iOS and Android to include a direct payment option that bypasses the in-app transaction mechanisms provided by Apple and Google. A violation of both stores' rules, the updated app was removed from the App Store and Play Store within hours .
Epic had a lawsuit and corresponding social media campaign locked and loaded. The gaming company lodged a private antitrust action against Apple while at the same time releasing a video parodying the Mac maker's famous "1984" ad, creating the hashtag "#FreeFortnite."